
Your product or service is not your company's brand and neither is your logo or your business card. Your brand is the genuine "personality" of your company. It's what your customers think of you and say about you when they've left your company.

What do you stand for?

Your brand is what your company stands for and what it is known for. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you stand for. Ask your friends and or collegues to tell you what they believe your company / website stands for. Settle on one or two brand pillars and build your brand around them. If you can't define your brand, your customers won't be able to, either. And the risk is that someone else will define it for you — probably your competitors. We can help you ask the right questions and determine "who you are" and "what you stand for".

Brands and Branding...

A brand is a promise and branding is the act of devising the promise your company makes to your clients and/or customers. Marketing is the strategy that differentiates your brand promise from all the other brand promises in that increasingly crowded house called "your niche."

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